Local Efforts to Improve Community Health
Rock County’s collaborative nature to make the community a better place to live has been mentioned as a strength throughout various community assessments. The list below is not an exhaustive list of examples of those who are working to improve the community conditions that influence health. This is a sample of those involved in the Healthy Rock initiative to align programs and goals for collective impact. Each partner has a plan (linked below) for improving community health and conditions. Many more partners contribute to the implementation of the work being done.
Community Engagement Opportunities
Make an impact in local decision-making! Below are opportunities to give input or get involved in community improvement initiatives. Check back often or subscribe to the Healthy Rock newsletter to learn about opportunities to engage in local efforts!
Surveys are a great way to give input around local efforts. Check back for more opportunities.
Talk about your experiences in the upcoming listening sessions. Check back for more opportunities!
Health Systems Community Health Needs Assessments and Implementation Plans
Non-profit hospital organizations are required to complete a community health needs assessment (CHNA) every three years. The CHNA is informed by the community it serves and guides an implementation plan to improve health in the communities served.
Edgerton Hospital and Health Services
SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital - Janesville (2024 report coming soon)
Local Government Plans
Local county and city agencies are required by various governing bodies to engage its residents in planning to improve community conditions. Below are examples of Rock County agencies that conduct assessments to inform how resources are allocated throughout the county or city it serves.
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC):
Aging Plan
City of Beloit:
2023 Food Environment Report
Violence Prevention Assessment
Photo by C. Kulinski
Community Organizations and Coalition Work
Rock County has multiple community organizations and coalitions that are working together to create a better place for all to thrive. Learn more about what each group is doing through their plans linked below.
Community Action, Inc.
Community Needs Assessment
Nutrition Collaborative of Rock County (NCRC)
Food Environment Report