Find Data

This data is provided to give a point-in-time view of the health of Rock County. Data helps identify problems, tell stories about local communities, and create interventions that improve the conditions of a community.

  • Community Profile

    Provides an overview of Rock County and data about the people who live in Rock County related to:

    • Racial and Ethnic Background

    • Age, Gender and Sexual Orientation

    • Disability Status

    • Languages Spoken

    • Veteran Status

    • Rural Popuation

  • Factors that Influence Health

    Provides data on the various factors that impact health such as:

    • Economic Stability

    • Education Access and Quality

    • Healthcare Access and Quality

    • Neighborhood and Built Environment

    • Social and Community Context

  • Health Topics

    Provides data on specific health topics that are of interest by the community including:

    • Communicable Diseases

    • Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

    • Environmental Health

    • Maternal, Child, and Family Health

    • Mental Health and Substance Use

    • Nutrition and Physical Activity

Community Profile Photo by P. Van Stone
Health Topic Photo by N. Luety