Find Data
This data is provided to give a point-in-time view of the health of Rock County. Data helps identify problems, tell stories about local communities, and create interventions that improve the conditions of a community.
Community Profile
Provides an overview of Rock County and data about the people who live in Rock County related to:
Racial and Ethnic Background
Age, Gender and Sexual Orientation
Disability Status
Languages Spoken
Veteran Status
Rural Popuation
Factors that Influence Health
Provides data on the various factors that impact health such as:
Economic Stability
Education Access and Quality
Healthcare Access and Quality
Neighborhood and Built Environment
Social and Community Context
Health Topics
Provides data on specific health topics that are of interest by the community including:
Communicable Diseases
Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention
Environmental Health
Maternal, Child, and Family Health
Mental Health and Substance Use
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Community Profile Photo by P. Van Stone
Health Topic Photo by N. Luety