Photo by Kim Hoholek Photography
Healthy Rock is a coalition of organizations across Rock County who are engaged in regular community health assessments to plan and guide their work.
Goals for Healthy Rock
Streamline data collection processes and tools to reduce duplication of efforts across Rock County agencies
Ensure input for the assessments reaches a wide range of voices and lived experiences
Align improvement strategies to better coordinate available resources
Engage the community in improvement planning and implementation
Communicate progress on improvement strategies
Healthy Rock’s Partners
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
Beloit Health System
City of Beloit
Community Action, Inc.
Edgerton Hospital and Health Services
Health Equity Alliance of Rock County (HEAR)
Mercyhealth Hospital and Trauma Center - Janesville
Rock County Public Health
SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital - Janesville
Historical Review Team Acknowledgement
We would like to thank members from the following organizations who dedicated their time, expertise, and experience to the Historical Spotlights on Health.
Beloit Historical Society
Edgerton Public Library
Empowered Therapy, LLC
Hedberg Public Library
Milton House
Nutrition Health Associates - Rock County WIC
Premier Bank
S & J Consulting
SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital - Janesville
Rock County Historical Society
Rock County Public Health
WiLS (formerly Wisconsin Library System)
YWCA of Rock County