Working together to create a

Healthy Rock County

Photo by S. Stuckey

A partnership providing data to residents and organizations who want to make Rock County a healthier place to live, learn, work, and play for all people.

  • Find Data

    Find various links to data dashboards categorized by:

    • Rock County Community Profile

    • Factors that Influence Health

    • Health Topics

  • Local Efforts

    Find examples of local community reports and improvement plans that are currently in progress in Rock County.

  • About Us

    Learn more about the collaborative and how to stay in touch with news and updates.

Using the Healthy Rock Website

Interactive Data Dashboards

The data dashboards were created to allow people to interact with the data provided. Watch the video below to see how to use the dashboards and get the most of the data.

Get More from the Data

To get a copy of the data dashboards, use the Data Request Form linked in the footer of each webpage. For updates on newly refreshed data and new projects, sign up for the Healthy Rock Newsletter.

Community Corner

The Community Corner section of the dashboards displays the most recent data collected directly from Rock County community members. This data was collected through the 2024 Community Health Survey.

Historical Spotlights on Health

Shows how past events and policies can still impact our health today. Look for the Spotlight icon to learn more about the history of a health disparity in the data. This content was created by our partners at local libraries and organizations in Rock County.